About Me

I am an author and illustrator of children's educational books.

I have always wanted to run my own business so combining my interest in education together with my love of writing and drawing seemed the obvious way to go. I formed a publishing company in 2007. The aim was to publish a series of books for pre-school children and market them on the internet. At the time I knew very little about internet marketing and spent months learning about pay-per-click, pinging, niche research, keywords etc. etc. It was almost like a parallel universe!

My interest in internet marketing grew from there. I was fascinated by all the different methods of making money online. From the initial confusion and misunderstanding my knowledge grew but there is still so much to learn and practise.

I believe the best way to learn is to study the best and I have been following the work of several internet marketing gurus such as Ewen Chia, Armand Morin, Chris Cardell, Dave Taylor, Tom Hua and Mike Widawar to name a few.

My goal is to become an efficient and knowledgeable internet marketer in time.

You can find out more about me on the following sites.

My publishing website:

My blog:

Here's to your success.
Mary Anderson
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